
Kid’s Say The Darndest Things (about love)

So, I was sent this link the other day about a study some people at MIT did. Maybe no so much a study but more of a Q and A with some little kids about love. I was surprised at some of their answers.

When asked about the role of beauty in love, 8 year-old Anita said, “If you want to be loved by somebody who isn’t already in your family, it doesn’t hurt to be beautiful.” When Christine age 9 was asked the same question her response was, “Beauty is only skin deep, but how rich you are can last a long time.”10 year-old Arnold was asked the question; How do people normally act when they are in love? He replied with”Mooshy … like puppy dogs … except puppy dogs don’t wag their tails nearly as much.” Floyd age 9 told MIT “Love is foolish..but I still might try it sometime.” My all-time favorite response was from Mike age 10, when asked what do people usually do on a date? He, in his young genius mind, came up with “On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.”

These might seem pretty silly and for they really should be taken as such, but I just can’t believe how spot-on some of these kids were. Most people write kids off because of their age. I really think that their age gives them an advantage in observation. They are not yet tainted by social norms or political correctness. They probably don’t realize it at the time, but they actually give, for the most part, true statement about topics. Kids are like sponges at that age and they soak up whatever they see and hear. All they are doing is relaying our actions. Maybe asking a kid about love isn’t such a crazy idea after all. While they may not fully understand love they may offer insight into the obvious stuff we may glance over.

Personal Philosophy

First Love

I was having a discussion about love in general today and my opinion on love. You know the old adage you never love like your first. I really believe there is some truth in that; so much in fact that I believe in it one step further. This is my personal philosophy. Your first love is always your best, but your first love changes with time. Say the time your 15, you fall in love. Well, what you think is love. Love changes with time, and maybe you weren’t really in love. Then you fall in love again, for the first time, because the definition isn’t the same. I propose your last love is your first because you grow and mature and your outlook on love becomes something different completely. That’s my stance. It might seem weird, but it makes sense to me. Love is pretty amazing; it sort of makes life worth living. I’m such a hopeless romantic. Sigh.

Media Personal

Eternally Amazing.

I just got through watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind yet again. It’s one of those movies that I continually grab more out of the movie the more I watch it. First off if you haven’t seen it you owe it to yourself to go out right now, find it and watch it. Now. It just amazes me how much truth is in it. It really captures the whole love process and the feeling behind it and presents it in such an obscure yet quite charming way. After watching the movie you are just filled with such a sense of hope for the future. Hope for the past. It shows no matter how much something such as love can hurt you don’t want to forget. You can’t forget. For all the bad memories there is at least twice as many good. Personally, I don’t want to forget. There is a really wonderful quote from the movie poster of the Eternal Sunshine that really caught my eye. It reads:

“You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.”

I think that that is pretty powerful and truthful.

Aside from the movie being good the soundtrack is awesome as well. So, why not just go pick up both? I promise you won’t be disappointed. Sorry this post doesn’t have much to do with anything in particular. I just am really impressed by this film. This makes it twice since I have blogged about it. I posted it on my Xanga a while back.

Here is my first post about it from October 8, 2004. Wow, that is so long ago.

“Its 3:15 am and I just got finished with eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Best love story ever. It now ranks as one of my favorite movies. I highly recommend seeing it. Well that’s all I had to say. I’m off to dreamland.”

I had a lot of previous blogs. I’m going to see if I can’t dig any of this stuff up.