Blog Day 2011 Japan Travel

On Places Yet Visited.

This one is a no brainer for me. I have spoken about it before, but never in this much detail. The one place I have yet to visit, but am going to go to as soon as I can is Akihabara, The Electric Town. It is the figurative mecca of otaku and electronic culture. It is located in Tokyo, Japan. Rightttttt here:

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This place has a plethora of computer, electronic, and video game parts. Not to mention probably the world’s largest selection of used video games. I know for a fact I would spend years scouring every last inch of that place and spending any small fortune I have accumulated. Instead of gushing about how much of a dork I am, let me show you some pictures so you can judge for yourself.

Akihabara 022


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Blog Day 2011 Personal Philosophy

On Personal Utopia.


Instead of impressing upon the world my version of a utopian society, I am going to write about how living my utopian life would be. There is very little you can do to effect society as a whole, but as Ghandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I am slowly working towards accomplishing this in my life, but as this is a utopia, this may be just out of the realm of reality.

To start I have decided I want to live a life of “digital minimalism.” By this I mean to have very little in the physical world, but be as gluttonous as I want in the digital space. Data is cheap, and relatively energy efficient, where as physical objects take up a finite amount of space and energy. Ideally I would like to have all my videos, games, music, movies, books, photos, and memories in the digital space. I am doing a good job with the conversion thus far it is just incredibly tedious work.

The second part to this is be mobile. Living this lifestyle will make moving an incredibly easy task. Some clothes, a laptop, and maybe a projector. Boom, I’m moved. I would love to travel and being able to pick up and take my entire life with me makes any place on Earth, home.

The third and final reason to do this is to leave the smallest carbon footprint. I believe the digital age is going to allow us to use far less energy than any other time in post-industrial human history and do more with that energy. The less energy used the more that will be left for future generations. Whether we like it or not we have a responsibility to the people who come before us so they to can enjoy this planet as we have.

On top of this I would like to be physically active everyday and learn new things until my death. Those last two may be the hardest things of what I have written.

Blog Day 2011 Media Music

On Life Accompanying Music.

Kearny s Charge Battle of Chantilly

I am very excited about this topic. Only because I have envisioned the perfect song. It’s not necessarily about music that accompanies a different mood, but music that would accompany me in battle. This is what would play during a battle scene where I met my ultimate demise. It has the best rise and fall of any songs I have heard.  Just about 4:30 into the song is where I would be running slow-motion at the enemy sword brandished. After my valiant effort taking down the rebel army around 6:30 I would discover I had been stabbed and would check my stomach for wounds only to discover the blood on my hands. I would stare into the sky and fall to my knees as the world grows ever darker. As my life flashes before my eyes the music fades and with it so do I. The title just says it all. The Birth and Death of Day by Explosions in the Sky.