Video Games

On Final(ly) Fantasy.

Final Fantasy XIII

After many long years Final Fantasy XIII has finally descended down from the Square Enix heavens. I did get to pick it up at midnight release day so that was pretty awesome. What sucks is that I have so much school stuff to do that I won’t be able to really play it until break. I am really glad that this game came out so close to break so I’ll have a good opportunity to really sink my teeth into it. I have only played about an hour of it so far, but it is gorgeous and the story is engaging. I will let you know how it is as I progress, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one.

Nonsense Personal

On My Past Week or Comic Books: My Back Hurts

I need to get this out before it’s too late! I have been meaning to write this all week and I am finally sitting down to do this. (SUNDAY IS STILL THE WEEKEND!!) This week in my life I have been pretty super busy, but have been doing something I haven’t done in a long while, reading comic books. There is so much out there that I haven’t read! This week I got sucked into Scott Pilgrim and the Marvel Zombies series. Both of them are GREAT and I can’t recommend them enough. I’ll give a one sentence summary of both and implore you to read them.

The Marvel Universe is infected by zombies!

Scott Pilgrim is dating Romona, who has Evil Exes, who he has to fight, video games.

In none, comic news, I have been doing a really good job going to the gym. I have been doing all sorts of stuff and I need to come up with a plan to do it regularly, but I have swam laps, played racquetball, ran, and lifted. Go super active me! Here is the epilogue to the lifting session. I threw out my back. It hurts like crazy because I did some exercises on it and it told me to go fly a kite. I hope once this heals it was a one time thing and I can go back to lifting because right now I feel like an old man who needs to take a nap before the grandkids come over.  I hope to have another music post up soon and a more detailed and purposeful post this coming week, but for now. GO READ COMIC BOOKS!

Personal Philosophy

On Human Development.

So, I pose a question. If given identical Planet Earths and starting with identical male and female humans, would humanity develop in identical ways? In a world of infinite possibilities could two seemingly identical situations produce similar results?

I know the question is quite heavy handed. I don’t expect a succinct answer it was just something I was thinking about the other day. We have so many actions that are ingrained in us that require no thought whatsoever. If we are given a hammer we know that we hold it by the handle and hit a nail. These behaviors are learned though. What’s even more of a conundrum is that actually thinking of the hammer is also learned. There was not always hammers and we dug them up and used them. That’s really the meat of my question. Would the two humanities develop different tools? Would one develop faster than the other? Who would be the first to space?

I think the results would be even more interesting. Say the societies developed pretty much the same way. What does that tell us about out makeup? Are all these tasks ingrained in us? Are we truly not an anomaly? How about if they developed radically different. Are we special? Did we have some spark of evolutionary serendipity to get us to where we are today?

I am really curious to hear what you guys think. What do you think would happen in this hypothetical situation?

The short and sweet is that I think the two humanities would develop differently. I think that due to the incredible randomness of the universe that they would end up in very different situations given the same amount of time. That’s just my feeling. Again, I want to know what you think! Please, leave me a comment!