Video Games

The Legend of Zelda: The Birthday Cap

Happy Birthday Zelda!

20 years from this day The Legend of Zelda premiered on the Famicom (In Japan). What a happy that was. So many fond memories. If you haven’t played this gem yet (and if you haven’t, where have you been?) I recommend go picking it up now. They have it re-released on the GBA for like $20 a definite must buy. In honor of Zelda becoming the ripe old age of 20 I hunkered down and actually went out and bought Minish Cap for GBA. I know I’m really late on this one, but better late than never. Well it’s late and I have school tomorrow. I leave you with this birthday image of link.

Happy Birthday Link!

Nonsense Personal Video Games

UBD’s Blow Goats

I haven’t updated in forever. Sorry. Um, UBDs blow goats. I have proof. The Algebra II final took a dump on my chest. Jesus, why don’t they just test us over what they taught? Halo 2 review: single player better than Halo 1, multi-player worse than Halo 1. Well, I’m going to go. It’s a stupid update, but I felt I needed to say what I did.

Nonsense Personal Video Games



What’s up? I know it’s been over a month since my last update. Fine. Fine. I’m a n00b. Leave me alone. You see that big icon that says EQ on it? If you see it, run. Run like hell. It’s so addicting. It’s over five years old and it’s still so fun to play. EverQuest 2 is coming out in June, so you bet I will be picking that up. I finished my 6th movie yesterday – pretty proud. Now, I will admit I don’t find it super up-to-par with the rest, but I like it all the same because I took a bunch of worthless crap and turned it into something pretty cool. I will post all my movies once I find someone to give me some web space and bandwidth. Saturday, March 13th was my one month anniversary with Steph. w00t!. I picked up Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. HOLY CRAP! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GO BUY IT NOW! It’s so good. The story right now is a little weak because I don’t really know what’s going on, but the graphics are orgasmic and the game play is super smooth (kind of like me, alright that was pretty lame). I have been asked by many people lately, “Gooer, where do you have all this money for all the games you buy?” Well it’s simple. I worked in the summer (you lazy bums) and made about $1000. I saved it and spend it sparingly. So there you have it, Gooer’s surefire way to get games.

1.Get a terrible water park job.

2.Save every penny.

3.Spend on games. (sparingly)

I’m thinking about starting a game review site. I mean I won’t be IGN big , but I kind of want to review games and maybe a couple of movies, mostly games though. Also, pertaining to something that I got, The Darkness’s CD is so good. They rock so incredibly hard. Um, my Halo fiend friend, Nate Finfrock, has a clan for Halo now. I thought I might plug his site. It’s

What else, hm, Oh yeah, Justin moved away. :*( I’m going to go visit him during the break of spring though so it’s all good. I think I might be ungrounded soon because my grades are like super, super good. Yeah, so, I haven’t felt Easter yet. You know what I mean, like decor and (drool) Cadbury eggs. Oh man, I want some Cadbury eggs. Not the terrible chocolate filled ones either. I want the cream filled ones with the fake yolky part. They should make those so big that you have to punch through the chocolate shell, jump in, and eat your way out. I may post some pictures of my EverQuest and Final Fantasy XI characters later. For now I’m out.

See ya (God, I hate “ya”. It’s so impersonal. Is it so much to ask just to type “you”? It’s one extra letter. While we’re that lazy let’s eat lots of McDonald’s, get super fat, and sue the corporation because you can’t fit into your size 45 pants anymore you lazy, fat, piece of garbage)