Blog Day 2011 Nonsense Personal Video Games

On Mundane Talents or Skills.

I’ve been sitting here for the past 20 minutes or so racking my brain as to what mundane talents I may posses. I have been coming up with goose egg. For that matter I can’t even think of any talents I posses. The only thing that comes to mind is that I know an exorbitant amount of information about video games, new and old. It is fairly common knowledge that I am a wee bit entrangled in video games. I have been entranced by their siren song since I was able to hold a controller and have spent a large chunk of my time playing them as well as researching their history. Because of this I can tell you how many iterations of Game Boy were released and that there was a special edition Game Boy pocket released only in Japan that was backlit.


I can also tell you that there is extra sound chips found in Japanese Famicom games. Due to this oh-so-useful information I can also tell you that the American Mega Man 2’s hard mode is the Japanese regular mode and that there was no normal mode. Also, that in Japan Mega Man is called Rock Man, which is why his sister is called Roll. Get it? Rock and Roll. Really this is pretty mundane and only interesting to a select few individuals, and if you are one of those people. Please, let’s be friends.

Mega man2 title us


Blog Day 2011 Nonsense

On Cleveland.


These posts are obviously for you so I will try to take it semi-seriously. Honestly, I have limited knowledge on the subject and this would be the best time to know something about it, but everyone is being a butt and writing Drew Carey or something less. Since all my knowledge about Cleveland comes from 30 Rock I will scour the internet for the videos for them. They have a song about how sweet Cleveland is. Enjoy.


Blog Day 2011 Nonsense Personal

On Why Dogs are Better than Cats.


This is the easiest argument to make and win. Dogs are far superior to their feline counterparts. I will list the ways in which dogs take the cake.

-Dogs poop outside. They don’t want to stink up your house.

-Cats are the biggest ingrates (i.e. Feed me but don’t you dare think about petting me or ill scratch your face off)

-Dogs will be your companions through thick and thin.

-Dogs do not slink.

-Dogs are totes up for games. Cats are totes up for brooding in the corner.

-Dogs greet you when you come home. Cats are totes up for brooding in the corner.

-A dog wants to protect you and your house. Cats are cool as long as you just leave them alone.

-Dogs speak the Queen’s English, unlike grammar bereft cats.

Now I will show you a picture of the kind of dog I really want. Welsh Corgi.


His name is Teddy.


In closing, dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason.