So, it is finally done. The move at least. You are now enjoying Killer Tofu from my own server. It was A LOT of hassle, but it is worth it. Maybe, kinda… I hope you guys like the new design. I love the new logo, maybe it’s just me. I hope to be writting more now that this thing is up. There is stuff I want to post, but I will reserve that until later tonight because I only have a little bit of work left and I want to make the post pretty detailed. This is until later.
Author: Matthew
So, this blog has been majorly neglected as of late. There is a reason for this. I have not forgotten about it or even not wanted to write. Here’s the poop. I am trying to move this site over to my own personal server so I do not have to pay for hosting fees. The problem is that IIS 6.0 which is Microsoft’s built in web server does not really like PHP which is what wordpress (the backend of this blog) uses to compile. I am in summer classes right now which limits the time I can spend on it. I am trying my damndest though to get it up. To see updates on me and progress I am making on the site just check the twitter box on the side. Thanks for still reading!
Lately I have been fairly introspective. I don’t know what is causing it really, but it’s caused me to reanalyze the way I think about things. During this rethink I have discovered something that should have been apparent far before now. I have been in disgust with humanity for the past year. It is a deep disgust that seeps into everything I do and the way I act. It has caused me to be bitter and cynical. I just kept thinking about the ignorance all around me and how people could possibly survive like that. I was letting other people’s actions and choices affect my mood and basically my day. That sentence is where the discovery was made. “I was letting…” I always try to maintain control over my life. That is the one thing no one else can control no matter how very much they might want to…unless you let them. You see the breakthrough was that every single person has control over his or her own life. We may not like the consequences given but we can certainly control which way the choice will go. People are very wrapped up in being the victims of today’s society. I will not be happy until X happens. I can’t because X won’t let me. None of that is true. The old adage, “Only you can make you happy” is more true than anything I can tell you. The only way someone can make you happy or unhappy or anything else for that matter is if you allow them. You have the power to not let even one individual affect you. I don’t think people like having that power solely because it holds themselves accountable. It’s always easier to blame something else. I was so wrapped up in how ignorant everyone else that I allowed them the power to make me feel awful. That is over, from now on I am going to use that power. If I allow them to affect me than it is entirely my fault. This is just a small subset of the fact that everyone has a choice. Fate is complete garbage and a fallacy designed by weak minds. Every possible thing you do is a choice you decide. The one exception I can think of is death. If someone else decisions end up killing you, for example, getting shot by a criminal, nuclear holocaust, etc. There is really not much you can do about that, but for everything else, it’s all on you. You ALWAY have a choice, and the consequences might be tough, but it’s there. Not one individual on the planet can take it away. And I mean no one. If someone has a gun to your head and tells you to do something, you can always choose to get shot. The consequence would suck, but the decision is yours. I can see how some of this article might offend and be construed as egotistical. I apologize for none of it. It’s absolutely true and it’s your choice whether you believe it or not.