OK, so I got home from school today after work and I just crashed for about six hours. This is how I work I like do not get any sleep then one day I just crash. It’s not the most healthy system, but to each his/her own. So anyway, I had this dream while sleeping today. I am pretty sure my brain was just kind of screwing with me because there is not way in hell this had any secret hidden underlying message. I should have written this right after I got up like I was telling myself, but instead I just went back to sleep. Anyway back to the dream. I was at a funeral for someone I swear I knew, but maybe met just once. It was an older gentleman. So, I have this friend named Chris Abina. He was in it, but not normal Chris. This Chris had a long ponytail that was blonde and pink. Also, he would go to everyone he met for the first time and kiss them on the cheek. Not a normal peck, but multiple kisses. I was with my aunt and we were looking at the body and he did not look like the normal dead body, if there is such a thing as a normal dead body.As my aunt and I turns around to walk away from the casket I glance back at the body and I he winks at me. I’m like woah hold the phone, dead bodies are not supposed to wink. I shrug it off and continue on. Chris Abina goes up to pay his respects to this man and he starts kissing the body on the cheek profusely. It was a moment where everyone in the room was staring and mortified, but no one was bold enough to actually tell him to stop. So he continues to kiss this body on the cheek and then this man wakes up and kisses him on the mouth, not like a passionate kiss like a I gotcha kind of kiss. He wakes up and gets out of the casket. The fuck? I turn to my aunt who seems not that surprised and she informs me that he has done this many times before. I keep thinking does anyone not check this man before planning a funeral or buying an expensive casket. Anyway thats when my dad woke me up to ask about golf clubs. Which really is ok because I really did not like where the rest of that dream was going. That’s pretty much all that I wanted to type today. Also, go buy the new Flaming Lips album At War with the Mystics. It’s ultra good. *thumbs up*
Author: Matthew
It has been a while since I last posted so, this one is going to be a long one. I hope I can recall all that I have wanted to post.
Ok, so there is this kid named Austin Hart. He’s in a couple of my classes including Physics and Pre-Cal. We joke around all the time. Well, one day in Pre-Cal we were kind of ripping on each other pretty hard and during a part when the teacher was teaching I was just doodling my name in lighting then Austin made some crack. Well, I figured I would would take this opportunity to illustrate to him the current situation of our lives. Nate, me, and even Austin broke out into laughter in the middle of a lecture. I’m sure we looked like idiots, but it was just too funny. There was no way he could recover from such a burn so I walked away from Pre-Cal that day triumphant. Me: 1 Austin: 0
So there’s a new craze sweeping college dorm rooms across the nation. It’s name you ask, Guitar Hero. This game is pure fun. I don’t know what they used to program it, but it was probably something like a fun-puter. OK, lame jokes aside the object of the game is to hit a combination of buttons the correspond with those on the screen. To expand this, there is a guitar controller with 5 fret-buttons and a strum-bar. The game has 47 songs to choose from with varying difficulties. A note or combinations of notes (color coded for ease) will pass down the screen, as they line up with circles at the button you hold the correct fret-buttons and stum the stum-bar. It’s almost like DDR. Simple enough concept, but for some reason it’s just terribly fun. I think the key is it’s simplicity. Some may think this is a new concept, but I just want to take this time to plug the original, Guitar Freaks. It’s been in Japan for sometime. Why it took so long to come here, beats the hell out of me. In conclusion, go. buy. Guitar Hero. You will not be disappointed.
The big part of this blog would be the exchange students. Let me explain. Crown Point High School has a sister school in Japan, Arima High School. We exchange students with each school every year, we go to Japan one year and they come here the next. It was so fun when they were here. It was so sad when they left. They were definitely some tears shead by the students. Anyway here is a recap of their stay. They day they got here we went to the mall. We were all still getting used to each other so there was a schism of Americans and Japanese. Sunday a bunch of students and their hosts went to Chicago. We took the train up but our groups got kind of split because of train stations and scheduling. We decided the Shedd Aquarium would be the place of choice. When we stepped off the train we noticed right next to us our other half-of our group. It was so weird we were one train apart the whole time and didn’t even realize it. So, that worked out for the best. The aquarium was awesome. I heart the aquarium and the last time I was there was like in 6th grade. After the aquarium we tried to head to Ed Debevic’s but the aquarium was too far away to reach in time on foot. We ended up going to Starbucks and grabbing hot chocolate or whatever kind of crazy moocachocalataee everyone else got. When we got hoem we went to Steak and Shake to actually eat. It was some god-awful service. I was kind of tweaked and did not leave a tip. The next day we had the students shadow us all day. I felt bad for Manami. My classes are less than stellar and classes such as Government were especially boring on that day. I had golf try-outs after school that day and the next day, can you say bad scheduling? That was a pain. I didn’t even make the golf team. That’s ok I didn’t really wanna make it this year anyway. That’s not to say I did not try I just sucked pretty bad. The week kind of sucked. We tried to show them stuff afterschool, but a lot of the time we were tired an whatnot. Thursday I didn’t even go to school because I had to catch up on sleep I missed from staying up late then getting up early for school. One day, Zack, Nao, Manami, and I hung out Zack’s house and played Mario Kart for SNES that was really fun. I was in that way tired, but not sleepy mode. So, I was kind of giggly. Me and Zack took one of his blankets and hid underneath and said it was our castle and that they couldn’t come in. They honestly didn’t care, but we kept asking them if they wanted to come in and they said no, and our response was “Well good, because you can’t.” It sounds stupid, but it was funny. I believe it was Saturday that we decided to go cosmic bowling at Inman’s in Valpo. It was a lot of fun. Your’s truly won the first match *blows on nails then polishes them on shirt*. The night before they left we all went to Zack’s house to hang out. We played Guitar Hero and DDR. Kevin actually got to kiss two of the exchange students, and get this his deal was “If you guys kiss, then you can kiss me.” What the hell kind of deal is that!? After most of the people left I got to talk to some of the students one on one. I liked that the best. It being about midnight I asked if any of them were sleepy, and I got the most memorable and adorable response ever from Nao. In perfect English she tells me “Time is precious, so I don’t want to sleep.” I agreed and continued on the conversation. The next morning my family and Manami went out to breakfast before we dropped her off at the high school. We were all sad she was leaving even my day which is surprising. The night before I stayed up and made a scrap book for Manami. I gave it to her at breakfast. In the car she started crying. It was so depressing. I plan on going to Japan this summer so hopefully I will see them soon.
I have to comment on this because I am tired of hearing this. When I was golfing in some really cold weather for try-outs an overweight adult come up and asks how we are we respond with “Cold.” He says “o you kids are young, you’re fine.” The fuck?!? Since when did age determine the outside temperature? You hear it all the time too “Your young you shouldn’t be tired.” It’s usually from some haggard 40-year-old who hasn’t seen exercise or his penis (fat stomach joke, think about it) in quite some time. I forgot that because I’m 18 I don’t get tired, cold, or hungry. Look adults get some flippin’ exercise and maybe you wouldn’t be so tired. Don’t use age as an excuse. That’s my Gripe of the Blog.
I will update more often, I promise. Comment’s wouldn’t hurt either.
The promised journal from my trip to Japan this past summer is here. Before that I will tell you a little about what has happened in my life. Today, I went running with April it wasn’t really a run as it was a powerwalk. That’s ok though because we had a nice talk about how stupid parents can be and how awesome college will be. Yesterday, my dad completly flew off the handle and grounded me. Don’t as me why either I’m still trying to comprehend that. So the story starts out when a man was delivering softer salt to our house and he hit my car (parked in the driveway, ugghh!). So we had to have it repaired and this past week was when it was to be repaired. So this week I used my Mom’s car and she used a rental (I guess you have to be 21 to use a rental car, lame). So the rental car had to go back and my Mom had to go pick her car up from CPHS because I drove it there that morning. My parents were supposed to drop my fixed car in my spot, but it turns out some idiot dropped my back tail light assembly and it wasn’t going to be ready until later. So, I am carless and need to find a ride home. April graciously offeres to give me a ride home so I take her up on the offer. Now, my dad tried to call me twice when I am getting a ride home. I didn’t realize this until about 3:30 because my phone was still on silent from when I was in school. I return his call and he starts tearing into me abotu how I don’t care about anyone else and all this bs. Now, I find a ride home and don’t bug him to interfear with his plans and I don’t think of anyone else. Hmm. So, I’m grounded, and I am goign to do anythign else for my father until I recieve an apology (his new laptop hard drive will be here soon, good luck installing it). I also watched Karate Kid Part II today. I really want to get the trilogy DVD set. I love those movies. So without further adieu, my trip to Japan, journal style.
June 9th, 2005
We are totally sitting here in the airport, just got done eating. $9.45 for a Philly, cookie, and coke. Prices are nutz in airports. The exchange rate is 97¥ to $1, thats such a rip. We have like 2 hours until our flight, so yeah its going to be a boring wait.
On the plane 9 hours remain
“I think they just hook it up to this and it hots the plate”
We just ate some fish junk. It was OK, not the greatest. Watching Star Wars helps pass the time. drink isnt working out exactly as planned. Ill Draw a picture to illustrate how much drink we get.
About 6 hours left
We are flying over the Bering Sea right now and the flight is getting very tedious. We are over ½ way there so Im glad about that. Me and Dp are pretty much raping the flight so its all good.
1 hour left
We are 1 hour away from Japan and Im expecting to see 3, 9000 pound semi-trucks with drivers and stuff so I got that going for me. Also, the semi-trucks have brains and have feelings. I believe I will have to get off the plane soon because the altitude is getting to everyone.
In Japan June 10th, 2005
Well, I finally made it. Im at my host familys house just about to go to sleep. The house reminds me of Justins old house. Taking a bath was different as expected. My bed is the bottom bunk of a bed. There are 3 sisters Asami (15), Emi, and Rumi. I know they are 19 and 21, but havent figured which. The dad knows a lot of English surprisingly. They are all very nice. Its pretty scary right now. I have to brush up on my Japanese immensely. Well its about 11 oclock Japanese time and I have been up for like some teen hours. Im going to bed.
June 11th, 2005 5:30 a.m.
First morning here in good ol Nihon. My fear is starting to disintegrate. Ive been looking though my dictionary. Im going to attempt to speak as much Japanese as possible today. I woke up very early, but there was no clock in my room so I didnt know what time Im guessing some where around 3:30 a.m. I am going to go to volleyball with Asami around 6. The school has to be like 1 metric year away from here, but I didnt know. Im really antsy to see Japan. I want to go eat something I am famished. I am hoping I get to see some of my friends before Monday. I still have to write my speech for Monday. This doesnt have to do with Japan, but my stupid things on my lip are finally going away. Take forever. I saw Yukari yesterday and some of the students who came here. They all remembered me and how I dont like McDonalds. Asami asked me why. I had no idea how to answer that in Japanese. It was kind of funny when I got off the buss a lot of the girls shouted Goowaa!Yukari asked if I still had a girlfriend, talking about Stephanie. I really want to see some of my friends. I think there are some benefits to staying with the host family, but not on the first day. Its just plopping kids in a foreign country without a vast expansive knowledge of the language is a tough situation. Chelseas video camera is broke or the battery is dead, so I cant take any video. When we were driving last night it was so crazy. The roads are very different than home, not just the right/left thing. Its just really crazy. Well, I think Asami will be waking me up soon, so Ill write in this latter.
Night of June 11th, 2005
Today I went to Asamis volleyball tourney. It was pretty fun. There was so many girls there and they all tried talking to me. Asamis nick name is Ryo and she is #6. Before they play volleyball all the players must line up and blow to their senseis. I had to take my shoes on and off like times today. I wish I would of got those [Converse] slips taken care of. I met a foreign exchange student names Eric at the volleyball tourney. She is from Canada. It was a relief to speak to someone [in English]. Its funny because she has been here 4 months and she has trouble conveying English. She is pretty good at Japanese. She has been helping me with Japanese. All the girls are very eager to talk to me and Im trying very hard to understand. The language barrier is huge. Asami has been very very nice. I feel bad because I am trying to convey my thanks and it is very hard. She had a book with a bunch of useful Japanese to English phrases. So, I told her I had dun today and Thank you for everything. Im going to try to email everyone tomorrow. I just tried to spell email with an I. I think Japan is starting to rub off on me. Everyone in this family is nice. I talked to her sister this morning. She likes Aerosmith. She also has been to America. She went to Connecticut. I has pizza and Coke for breakfast. That pizza was the best I ever tasted. It was sooooo good. Tomorrow Asami said we are going to hang out with Matt Palmer and his (host student) I dont know if thats how you spell it (its not), but whatev. I was so tired after volleyball today. We got home at 3 p.m. Japanese time and I crashed. I woke up at 1 a.m. Japanese time. Thats 10 freakin hours. The jetlag finally got me. Well, I am going to go watch a movie then Im off to bed. Oyasuminasai. (Goodnight)
June 12th 2005 (Night/Morning actually more like June 11th)
“I would love to do his wife”
-Me (being a pig right in front of him [her husband])
Today was my first day seeing Japans shopping side. Me and Asami actually talked for a little this morning. We watched Star Wars: Clone Wars. We also looked at the picture book I bought them. We then visited Palmers host family. They are loaded for sure. The house was so beautiful and big. They also drive a Mercedes and an Audi. I bought some CDs and food today. We also ate at a sushi bar. Everything at the sushi bar was good except the rotten bean sushi (gag me with a spoon). It was nice to talk to a friend today. Increased my Japanese. Mais (Palmers host student) mom said I was good at Japanese. Tomorrow will be my first day of high school in Japan. I have to wake up at 5:30. I need to write my speech. I think I am going to bed.
Continued events of the day I forgot to write about
We went to Mais grandmothers and did a Buddhist shrine thing. We also hung around with Mais older brother. He is really cool. His wife is a foxxx. Well thats all for today. Oyasuminasai.
Night of June 12th, 2005
First day at Arima High School went a little shaky. I was alone in the classroom while others were paired with friends. It was hard communicating, but I am getting better and better at it. I rode the densha (train) this morning. It was gyu gyu which mean very jam-packed. I forgot my slippers this morning so I had to wear these chiisai (small) moccasins which were about 3 sizes too small. We went to class as normal. The Japanese teacher seemed very enthusiastic. The Bio teacher was nutz. He was crazy. We got invited to Karate; that was fun. We had a small punching bag dropped on our stomachs. Palmer got volunteered to drop it and slammed it upon my stomach. Itai! (ouch) We went to a game center for a little bit and convenience stores. They have Circle Ks Something is afoot at the Circle K. Well I am butt tired. Oyasuminasai.
June 13th, 2005
Quotes from the day:
Zack: Your camera kind of sucks.
Davenport: Not kind of sucks……doesnt.
Davenport: Ive got something for you to rail right here.
Me: I hope its yu.
Davenport: *thinking I said you not yu, starts belting off bullshit about how Im never going to do him*
Me: *interrupting* kari
June 21st, 2005
Okay so I havent written in a long time, but I will try to catch up to speed. Well, let me start by saying I flippin love Japan with all my heart. First off, let me tell you about a wonderful place called Tsutaya. Its a store where you can buy used games, music, movies, and books. O GOD it had so many awesome Super Nintendo games. Second, yesterday we went to say our farewells to the Arima High School students. It was one of the most depressing things to go through. All the students were crying. They were all so awesome and I will miss them sooo much. I am planning to come back to Japan next year, which would be so cool. I will have to save my funds, but I can do it. We also went to Tokyo Disneyland. It was a lot of fun and I could tell Asami really enjoyed it. I am going to make a shrine in my room devoted to the best two weeks I ever had. I will totally stay in touch with these guys so much. I cant say I want to go back because I dont. I dont really miss anything. I want to stay here so bad its ridiculous. Tomorrow is the stupid 12 hour flight. It will blow my nut sack so bad. Iam really not looking forward to coming home, but I guess all good things must come to an end. I talked to Asamis sister a lot. Her older one is so cool. She likes videogames. Her favorite is Final Fantasy 7. She works part-time at Tsutaya and goes to college. Her English is pretty good. Also, she likes music not always good, but I will take what I can get. I talked to Asamis other older sister too. She was surprised I know so much about Japanese entertainment. We watched a special [where] SMAP and Skapara did a collaboration which was awesome. Well I will write what I can on the plane……All good things must come to an end.