This isn’t really going to be a huge update just to let you guys in on my life thus far. This week is pretty close to busiest week ever. It’s a week before break and every teacher is like, “Well, we should give all our exams fairly close together, that’s what the kids are into these days, sleep deprivation.” So, I have not been doing much besides studying and sleeping when I have the chance. After tomorrow I should be in the clear….around midnight. That’s OK though because then comes break. Ahh break. I also wanted to tell you that my friend Katie and I went through the rest of that real creepy path (see previous posts) and it was overall pretty creepy, surprisingly. At the end there was something else painted on the ground, it said “RUN” with an arrow pointed to where we came from. I’m really glad I went with someone because I would not want to read that walking alone at night. Overall, pretty uneventful. This weekend Purdue plays IU, here. I’m excited for that. Anytime I can see IU fail at something else, I am all up for it. I will update more probably Monday or Tuesday. Wednesday at the latest. Thanks to all the people who still check. Remember to keep commenting!
Author: Matthew
Hello and welcome to another exciting episode in my life. So, It’s about 12:30 in the am and I’m kinda itching to get out and move, not be cooped up in my dorm room. I decided to go for a walk and try to get myself lost. It’s a crisp autumn day. A little warmer than normal; hoodie weather as I like to call it. It’s overcast and the moon is barely poking through. Is this enough setting for you. I start my walk and about 15 minutes into it I start on this path; a sidewalk of sorts. I keep following it to see where it takes me. This path eventually turns into an old road, with old wooden fences flanking it on both sides. It’s a classic horror movie path; path narrowing as you go further, trees encroaching on either side waiting to swallow their next victim. I keep following this obviously creepy path and I look down for whatever reason at the ground and in chalk is the message “Turn Around.” No lies. I couldn’t believe it. It kind of made my hair stand on end, but me being the stubborn person I am continued on. That is until I started hearing noises. It was probably just in my head, but regardless I hightailed it out of there. I want to go back there again. Maybe this time with someone else.
Ok, so not all my links, worked and it took up almost all of the screen last time I posted my movies. So, I am redoing this. I will repost the message from before and post the videos as links not embeds.
Previous message:
“I am excited because ever since I started editing movies I have wanted to put them online for everyone to laugh at and enjoy. Well finally I have them hosted on youtube. I have them all laid out pretty and in chronological order below, you can see how my skill progressed as well as my weight, haha. I hope you guys enjoy them. This was a big part of high school for me. I am glad I can share them with all for you guys. Please comment on this blog on your thoughts on the movies. Enjoy!”
Star Wars Japanese Project
Japanese Western
Blood the Movie
The Gauntlet
Betrayal and Revenge
Raptorite and the Search for Power
Art House Spoof